Hello dear
Welcome To Granny
Granny was the first retaurant to open in Egypt, the resturant was designed with the history in mind we have created a soft industrial dining room, combined with an open kitchen, coffee take out bar and alovely awesome on site coffee roastery.
[cms_menu_restaurant limit_menu=”4″ menu_style=”menu-4column” title_length=”16″ content_length=”110″ our_menu_categories=”menu” menu=”dessert-menu,dinner-menu,drinks-menu,lunch-menu” cms_template=”cms_menu_restaurant–layout5.php”]
[cms_menu_restaurant our_menu_categories=”menu” menu=”breakfast-menu” cms_template=”cms_menu_restaurant–layout4.php”]
[reservation note=”You can Book a table online easily in just a couple of minutes. We take reservations for lunch and dinner, just check the availability of your table & book it now!”]