Made With Love Delicious Food Granny is a restaurant, bar and coffee roastery located on Egypt. We have awesome recipes and the most talented chefs in town! Reserve Now Hot and Ready to Serve Creative & Talented Chefs Reserve Now Hello, We Are Granny Real Cooking, Perfect Taste Granny is a restaurant, bar and coffee roastery located on Egypt. We have awesome recipes and the most talented chefs in town!
Hello dear

Welcome To Granny

Granny was the first retaurant to open in Egypt, the resturant was designed with the history in mind we have created a soft industrial dining room, combined with an open kitchen, coffee take out bar and alovely awesome on site coffee roastery.
Taste the best

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[cms_menu_restaurant limit_menu=”4″ menu_style=”menu-4column” title_length=”16″ content_length=”110″ our_menu_categories=”menu” menu=”dessert-menu,dinner-menu,drinks-menu,lunch-menu” cms_template=”cms_menu_restaurant–layout5.php”]
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Our Daily Specials

[cms_menu_restaurant our_menu_categories=”menu” menu=”breakfast-menu” cms_template=”cms_menu_restaurant–layout4.php”]
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[reservation note=”You can Book a table online easily in just a couple of minutes. We take reservations for lunch and dinner, just check the availability of your table & book it now!”]